
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Long Rough Road... yet still here

Wow, I can't believe it has been over a year since I last blogged! So much has happened! To get you all caught up, I found out the end of July that I was pregnant with our second child! Beginning of March we lost our house and moved to a very tiny duplex which I had to go finding very pregnant and dragging poor Eli around because hubby had to work. about 2 weeks after moving in I went into labor and Michael my hubby took me to the emergency room at 2:30 in the morning after getting home from a long work shift. I was actually in labor since about 5pm with contractions but thought it might just go away. The next day after getting to the hospital and being there in labor for 12 hours we warmly greeted our second son Carter into our little family on March 19th, 2008.
In June of 2008, Elijah was diagnosed with moderate to severe autism and I went through a very hard time and depression with trying to handle it. Where we lived our little place was getting so cramped and our gas was shut off because we were still so behind with bills still from the other house. If we didn't move out when we did we wouldn't have had heat either because, Yep you guessed it..... Gas heater.
I actually want to say that the gas was shut off while I was still pregnant but I can't remember because it is all such a blur now. Of course that was also probably do to not sleeping with little Carter being up all night along with Elijah not sleeping well due to sensory problems.
It seemed to be one thing after another but then we got an opportunity to move to Oklahoma in August, I think at the end of the month.. and we have been here ever since. We live on a family owned farm that was actually Michael's Grandparents farm. It just so happened that it was being rented and the renters were moving out so we were offered to move in. It was sooooo sudden and very hard to do being a new mom, having an autistic child, and moving to a very unfamiliar territory away from the city, Far from anything I knew! And it was very hard packing because with Michael gone I had to do most all of it myself.
But I will tell you that I do remember my first Hot shower without having to boil water or just freeze. It was the night before we left.. we stayed at a hotel room and that shower was the first sign to me that things will finally be different. Sometimes you can forget how nice the simple things in everyday life are. Michael's Dad and Margo were so supportive and help get us out here. If it weren't for them we would probably be so far down who knows what would have happened. Now, we have a chance at life. Michael has a good job, we can afford to live and not worry about the basic things, For once it's nice to not worry about how we will buy diapers or formula the next month .

This is my little guy Carter. I can't believe how much he has changed. In 8 crazy months he is now crawling, standing up, hands me stuff, and just recently trying to talk and imitate me.

Elijah's 3rd Birthday was Dec. 6th and he had such a great day! He is just an angel.

All in all we are happy and I think you can understand why I haven't been on here lately. I will try to stay more up to date. I am still fighting for Elijah with school systems now and trying to get him the right services he needs. Yeah we still don't sleep well, Carter does for the most part but not Elijah so that means not me either. It's really hare to work with Eli now that he is getting older and I am usually pretty tired all the time but we have family that love us, A husband that is good to me and not to mention an amazing Father...and hard worker, Two beautiful boys, And a roof over our heads.... All the rest are just pieces to a puzzle. who could ask for more.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, who looks that good right after labor?!?!? I looked like I was on death's door after 21 hours of labor in the hospital. Yuck.
