
Friday, December 12, 2008

Carter's First two teeth

Carter has his first two teeth coming in! You can barely see them in photos still so I will be updating when you can see them better!
Last night he also handed me a ball and did a great job in trying to roll it back and forth to me! Plus, I was so proud of him when he tried to say.... "Ball"!!! My little baby is growing up!

Here is a picture of him with his cousin on my side of the family. We took it right before we moved when my mom and sister came to see us! You can really see the resemblance I think anyway. Some people say he looks like Michael, Some say he looks like me, I think that he is a beautiful combination of the both of us just like his brother Eli.

Here is a photo of him with Grandma Maas my mommy. He had such a good time meeting everyone! I wish I had a picture of Aunt Karen my sister, But the one I took turned out to blurry... boo hoo.

Last week he had his first taste of a cookie when his brother threw his down because he didn't want it anymore. We were wondering why he was being so quiet! I just had to get a picture before getting it from him.... He knew he was caught !

Here is a photo I took of him this morning... We tried shoes on and he didn't know what to think! He didn't like them to much which is how I was when I was little. So we go bare foot unless necessary!


  1. Haha...he's no fool when it comes to cookies!
    I love that picture with Carter and Scarlett. You have to send those to me for her scrapbook.
    I still can't get good pictures of Scarlett's teeth, the flash glares off her drool.

  2. Ah-h-h! I love your whole blog!

    And, thanks to you, I am sitting here teary-eyed. I saw the picture there of Carter and me. Since I have been the photographer for most of my years, I am not in many pictures, although I did make it into Karen's blog too!

    Hey, I can see his teeth!

    I'll keep checking back here for updates!
