
Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Baby Boy Car....

Carter loves his puppy. He keeps asking me for a real one. Maybe one day.=) Right now he is at "G"Ma's house. Thats what he calls Grandma. So cute! I miss him Soooooooooo much!

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Meet Sarah Daisey Van Diesel

Lions, Tigers, and Autism Oh My!: Meet Sarah Daisey Van Diesel: "Sarah Daisey Van Diesel is a world-renowned artist with autism. She paints fantasy-medieval art and is also a writer. Sarah is very active i..."

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Terrible, Terrible, Terrible TWOS!

Well, Today was the first day that Eli has been back at school since before Christmas! Then he now has four more days off because they are closed for the holidays. Poor little guys is probably so confused!
I decided to go to Walmart with Carter to get some organizing bins. We went by the clearance isle where there were two of those little fur real miniature puppies he saw and just loved them. I told them we couldn't afford them (they weren't on clearance, some one just stuck it there i guess.) but of course as many times before that wasn't good enough. Let me tell you, I have never heard a child scream and squeal so loud in my entire life. I mean people come out of isles just to see what is going on! There is usually someone that comes up that evidentially has grown children and been in my very position. They try to talk to him, which he stops and listens with his curly crazy hair and crocodile tears, but the moment I thank them and we are off it's back again. Needless to say, I didn't get one thing done that was needed and wasted gas money and think my right ear is getting deaf from hearing him the whole way home. At least it wasn't like last time when I had both that were doing the same thing plus kicking, screaming, and biting.(That would be Eli.)
I guess in a sense Eli is also going through his terrible two's because mentally he not quite two and a half.
Anyway, That was my day.
I am just so thankful it's Thursday! It's the evening I keep for myself. If your a Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice fan you know what I mean!
I am that much of a fan that everyone knows that if they call it better be an emergency or when the commercials are on. I really want Meredith to get pregnant! She would be such an amazing mom!
So, I have 45 minutes to get the kids in bed... Gotta Run! 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Had to post this....

Having fun with layouts and headers

Okay, so since I am just now "really" getting into this blogging thing I am amazed on how much fun you can have with themes, headers, apps, and so much more! I always wondered how some blogs did it.
I started with a search and found a cute blog called: The Background Fairy: Free stuff for your blog.
I was very impressed with the designs she offers and there aren't any advertisements or distractions on her actual designs. But, if you are a kind person you will grab her button and put it on your blog like I have.
she makes it so easy to add the designs to your blog.
If you like chic, girly, antique, and elegant designs then you will love the Background Fairy!

The Background Fairy

I picked up my header from her. =)

Just thought I would share!