
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rainy Day

Today is a rainy day outside. I don't really mind, I actually like it. first day this week that I have been home all day with the kids and it feels kind of nice not to be running around like crazy. Well, out anyway. Instead I have been running around like crazy trying to get this house cleaned up and caught up on laundry. I am unpacking some things for the moment because we thought we would be moving in November, but I think we are going to wait until after the holidays as long as our complex let's us do a month to month. Even though it is only a two bedroom it is a nice apartment and has been such a blessing. It's not that old and has vaulted ceilings that make it look and feel more like a home. The only thing I can't wait for is for the kiddo's to have their own rooms because they can't be alone when they are awake at this point and we can't childproof the place as we could with our own home. So, we are waiting to see if we can buy a home instead of renting so that will put us at about maybe Jan/Feb. time frame.
Yesterday Eli's doctor appointment went extremely well and Dr. Winburn is a godsend. You can tell she cares so much about her children and the parents to. After his appointment we went to Walmart and got some groceries for Eli and came home with zhu zhu pets. I know, I know, I broke down and let them each get one! They are cute and Eli I think is sick of his already but that's okay because Carter is addicted. He is so funny because everything he loves he takes to bed with him. It started with his blankey, then his little puppy scout from Leap Frog that he loves, then his Thomas the Train soft plush,  Then a stuffed animal puppy that we have had forever in the bottom of the toybox, (I guess he felt bad for it and decided to adopt.) His sippy cup as always, and now two zhu-zhu pets. Do the words "horder" come to mind? haha... I actually think it is sooo cute. For now anyway.=) Funny thing is that I don't know how much longer it will be before there isn't any room for him to sleep! He is my little funny guy and really keeps things light and laughter in the house.
Today I was able to work more on our Team AutismUnity for the autismspeaks walk coming Oct. 16th.
If you are interested in signing up to walk with us you can do so at:
You can also go to the above link if you just want to donate to the walk! Any and all support is appreciated.

Tonight I am going to try to cut Elijah's hair for this Metals test that we have to send in. He fights it so band and I hate putting him through it because it messes with his sensory so much. I would do it while he was sleeping but have a fear of him waking up and then never wanting to go to sleep again. I know if when I was younger I saw my mom coming at me with a buzzer in the night, I would probably have nightmares the rest of my life. =)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yesterday was a pretty busy day as always. We went downtown for Elijah's Speech and OT and then went to the Kansas side in Overland Park so Eli could get his Allergy shot. We do this every Monday. Today Eli has a doctors appointment just so we can re adjust his meds and get new orders for medical/Gtube supplies.
Last Thursday we were given his full allergy results. He is so severely allergic to so many things that they are putting him on a very limited special diet. He cannot have the gtube formula that we used to use, So I have to make him Meals out of a 4 day program they gave and then blend them to liquify them.
This is going to take a lot of willpower and time on my part, but will be worth it if it helps him. I am thinking about making a ton of meals before hand and then freezing them so all I will need to do is put it in my vitamix blender to liquify it. Thanks goodness for my Vita Mix! Really it has been a blessing and anyone who is thinking about getting one and has a medical need for it, You can call them and get a nice discount with proof from a doctor.
After Eli's doctor appointment we are going shopping for the food he can have. For what he will actually "eat", there isn't anything that is going to be able to stay familiar in his diet except for water I think. But, I am going to try to play off of the fact that he prefers dry and crunchy things and go from there. I am so thankful I have the perfect OT to help me because she can get him to try new things where as I don't stand a chance!